Answer the questions listed in each step to find out if your business meets the basic requirements for Alberta's employment standards for overtime and overtime pay. On the last page you’ll see results based on your answers, along with information about your rights and obligations as an employer.
Use the 'Previous' button to change your answers at any time. Or click 'Start again' to explore different employment scenarios.
Disclaimer: In the event of any discrepancy between this information and Alberta’s Employment Standards legislation, the legislation is considered correct.
Summary & Results
For , you are not required under the employment standards legislation to compensate for overtime hours with overtime pay. However, you may do so if you wish as a greater benefit to your employees.
For more information, visit the Employment Standards website.
You indicated that:
Calculating Overtime Hours
Based on your industry classification, your employees have the following overtime thresholds:
- 8 hours per day
- 9 hours per day
- 10 hours per day
- 12 hours per day
- 44 hours per week
- 50 hours per week
- 54 hours per week
- 60 hours per week
- 191 hours per month
- 264 hours per month
For more details on calculating overtime, visit the Employment Standards website.
Overtime Pay
You indicated your employees do not work overtime. They are therefore not entitled to overtime pay.
Based on the information you provided, you do not meet the requirements of the Overtime Pay Regulations.
Most employees are entitled to overtime pay at a rate of at least 1.5 times the employee's regular wage, or time off work with pay (banked overtime).
For more information on how overtime is calculated, visit the Employment Standards website.
Overtime Pay
Caregivers have different rules for the hours worked before overtime is payable. As long as the rules outlined below are followed, you meet the requirements for Overtime Pay.
For caregivers working shifts less than 24 hours, overtime is paid for hours worked in excess of 12 hours a day or 264 hours in a work month, whichever is greater.
For caregivers working 24 hour shifts, overtime is paid for hours worked in excess of 264 hours in a work month.
Caregivers must receive overtime pay at a rate of at least 1.5 times the employee's regular wage, or banked time off with pay at a rate of at least 1 hour for each overtime hour worked.
For more information, visit the Employment Standards website.
Based on the information provided, you meet the requirements of the Overtime Pay Regulations by paying your employees least 1.5 times the employee’s regular wage rate for all overtime hours worked.
Based on the information you provided, you do not meet the requirements of the Overtime Pay Regulations.
Overtime Pay must be paid out at a rate of at least 1.5 times the employee’s regular wage rate for all overtime hours worked.
For more information, visit the Employment Standards website.
Banked Overtime
Based on the information provided, you do not meet the requirements for banked overtime.
A written overtime agreement (also known as banked overtime agreement) needs to exist between you, the employer, and your employee(s) in order for you to provide your employee(s) with paid time off with pay. For every hour of overtime worked, at least 1 hour of time off must be banked.
For more information and sample overtime agreements, visit the Employment Standards website.
Based on the information provided, you meet the requirements for banked overtime.
Your employee(s) can bank time off with pay at a rate of at least 1 hour for each overtime hour worked.
For more information, visit the Employment Standards website.
Based on the information provided, you do not meet the requirements for banked overtime.
Employees must use up banked overtime, earned at a rate of at least 1 hour for each overtime hour worked, within 6 months of the end of the pay period in which they earned it . Extensions to the banking period are only allowed under a collective agreement (union agreement).
If banked overtime is not used within 6 months (or the time period established by a collective agreement), it must be paid out to the employee at a rate of at least 1.5 times the employee’s regular wage rate.
For more information, visit the Employment Standards website.
Averaging Agreements
Please note, if you have an averaging agreement with your employee(s), the rules for calculating overtime hours would be different. For more information, visit the Employment Standards website.
Next steps
- Print these results for your records
- See the employment standards rules and regulations to learn more.
- Return to the Employment Standards Easy Check to learn about vacations, employment termination and general holidays.
- Restart this payment of earnings tool to explore different scenarios.